
Siemens tackles Microsoft IPTV dominance
... software could give Siemens, the German telecommunications equipment giant, just the opportunity it's looking for to break into the emerging IPTV market. ...
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July 25 Daily News
Monday, 25 July 2005
Telecom Italia launches IPTV trials
TechSpot - USA
Telecom Italia has begun large-scale trials in four cities of an IPTV service, and claims to be working towards a commercial rollout later this year in 21 ...

TANDBERG Television Brings IPTV Solutions to Supercomm Advanced ...
Digital Game Developer - Newport Beach,CA,USA
... comes to Supercomm 2005 with a variety of new platforms and product enhancements that together create the most powerful and competitive IPTV business models ...

July 24 Daily News
Sunday, 24 July 2005
Telecom Italia kicks off IPTV trials - Andheri,Mumbai,India
MUMBAI: European telecom player Telecom Italia has intensified its plans to launch an IPTV service. The company has gone into large ...
July 22 Daily News
Thursday, 21 July 2005
Telecom Italia Trials IPTV
Light Reading - USA
MILAN, Italy -- Telecom Italia has begun free trials of its IPTV service in more than a thousand households in 4 Italian cities (Rome, Milan, Bologna and ...

Texas Senate Falters: IPTV Franchise Bill Delayed
Telecomweb - USA
... failed to pass critical school financing and tax acts during its special session, thereby delaying consideration of a controversial telco IPTV franchise bill ...

I Want my IPTV
TechNewsWorld - Sherman Oaks,CA,USA
... There's been plenty of discussion about the plans of telco companies like SBC and Verizon to roll out Internet Protocol television (IPTV) to compete with cable ...

Tiscali Italia's IPTV service on air by November
Telecom Paper (subscription) - Houten,Netherlands
Tiscali Italia's IPTV service will launch between September and November of this year, according to Sergio Cellini, chief executive of Tiscali Italia. ...

SBC Eyes More Than Triple Play - USA
BOSTON --- IPTV (define) advocates like to talk about the technology enabling new services, however the discussion usually returns to the familiar voice ...

Comtrend selects Espial(R) Escape(TM) to power new IPTV set-top ...
Yahoo News (press release) - USA
- Espial(R) Escape(TM) browser provides advanced HTML and Web Standards support that enables IPTV service providers to create revenue-generating interactive ...

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