
With the number of analog cable TV subscriber
households either flat or declining in many developed countries, the cable TV
industry's future depends more and more on cable modem service and digital video
services, reports In-Stat
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Overpriced Content for ipTV -- A Trend?
Thursday, 19 May 2005
Overpriced Content Exemplified by AP Story
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Cable television often boasts that it can deliver esoteric fare suiting nearly any taste. But it could be rendered obsolete by the likes of Bill Eason's hog cooking class. The North Carolina cook's program - self-described as an "all-day, whole hog class edited down to 45 minutes on how to find, select, prepare and serve whole hog from the man who cooks several hundred per year" - will be available for a $1.99 download as early as next month on something called DaveTV

May 21 Daily News
Saturday, 21 May 2005
 20 mln IPTV subscribers in Asia by 2009

According to IDC, the number of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) subscribers in Asia/Pacific excluding Japan (APEJ) is expected to grow from nearly 500K subscribers in 2004 to over 20 mln subscribers by 2009 with an impressive CAGR of 110% -- We think this actually be low and a consercative estimate. A meaningless chart is shown below.

Last Updated ( Saturday, 21 May 2005 )
May 20 Daily News
Friday, 20 May 2005
The Real Meaning of IPTV

Behind the acronym lies an expanding universe of communications possibilities. Alcatel's president explains it all

Today, amid the hard-fought battle for the living room, the hottest topic in the world of communications and networking is the emergence of IPTV. But despite the growing ubiquity of the acronym, the true meaning and potential of the technology behind it is still largely misunderstood -- and not just by the average consumer, but by many within the communications industry as well....
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