Monday, 18 July 2005 |
Hollywood and - Ontario,Canada News View:- Hollywood Studios are planning to impose a strict regime on IPTV installations in their fight against piracy, and smart card based ...
Orckit Boosts '05 RevenuesLight Reading - USA ... Corrigent also chaired an industry panel on "Triple Play and IPTV -- Case Study Lessons from the Field," where it discussed the CM-100 product line's success ...
Monday, 18 July 2005 |
Microsoft Courts Hollywood AlliesLos Angeles Times - CA,USA ... Media Center PCs. Gates' longer-term plan involves a technology known as IPTV, or Internet protocol television. With that, Microsoft ...
Tangling over TVOrlando Sentinel - Orlando,FL,USA ... Internet protocol television, or IPTV, uses the technology that powers the Web to deliver video. BellSouth and the two largest of ... |
Saturday, 16 July 2005 |
BellSouth's Smith Details IPTV PlansLight Reading - USA BellSouth Corp. (NYSE: BLS - message board) CTO Bill Smith says his company hopes to trial its new IPTV service with hundreds of subscribers by the end of this ... |
Texas Attempting to Kill IPTV |
Friday, 15 July 2005 |
During a special session ostensibly called to take care of pressing school and tax legislation, the Texas State Senate passed a hotly contested bill eliminating local franchise requirements for telcos to enter video markets – instead allowing for a single statewide franchise. The bill has pitted Verizon and SBC against cable operators that are fighting to delay the onslaught of IPTV in any way they can. Read More here |
Friday, 15 July 2005 |
Eagle BB, GlobeCast choose iTVManager for IPTVTelecom Paper (subscription) - Houten,Netherlands Houston, TX-based IP and other comms technology and services provider Eagle Broadband and France Telecom satellite services subsidiary GlobeCast have signed a ...
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