
QCSO concert to be played on IPTV
Quad City Times - Davenport,IA,USA
... IPTV honored the orchestra by including it in a series of Sunday programs this month featuring recordings of symphony organizations from around the state. ...
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May 26 Daily News PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 26 May 2005
Swisscom Fixnet prepares IPTV launch
Telecom Paper (subscription) - Houten,Netherlands
Swisscom Fixnet plans to compete its triple-play offering with TV over broadband (ADSL). After deployment for Swisscom and Microsoft ...

Desperate Telcos Push IPTV
Red Herring - CA,USA
Industry executives detail how the fight between cable and phone companies is turning the US into the leading IPTV market. US telcos ...

Alcatel and Microsoft: Going Steady
Light Reading - USA
... go as a company, you know, providing this integration role," Frank told Light Reading shortly after his presentation (see Alcatel, Microsoft Confirm IPTV Deal ...

IPTV vs Me-Too TV
Light Reading - USA
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Content may be king, but can phone companies become king of content? That's the big question everybody has about telcos and IPTV. ...

Cable, telcoms face off for 'triple-play'
Reuters - USA
... KPN and Swisscom are planning their own services to provide television over phone lines -- usually known as TV over Internet protocol, or IPTV -- in the hopes ...

Tech execs show new products
Stanford Daily - USA
... as, advances in mobile technologies like cell-phone gaming and videophones, as well as the advent of digital and Internet television, or IPTV. ...

Last Updated ( Friday, 27 May 2005 )
May 26 Special Notice PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 26 May 2005

In the latest edition of Newsweek (linked above) the magazine does a golly-gee-whiz series of articles about the future of TV called Television Reloaded -- borrowing from the Matrix Reloaded title. The lack of originality in the title is reflected in the IPTV coverage whose authors seem very USA-centric in their analysis. Generally speaking most of the thinking in this piece is about two years behind the times, but does popularize the concept of IPTV for Americans.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 May 2005 )
May 25 Daily News PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 25 May 2005
 Ericsson Maps out the Future of Broadband and Convergence at VON Europe

STOCKHOLM, Sweden--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 25, 2005--Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERICY) has brought the latest for broadband connected homes and networked enterprises to VON Europe 2005, being held in Stockholm this week. Through Ericsson's softswitches, IMS solutions and high-performance broadband, operators can differentiate their offerings to consumers through bundling of services and convergence of fixed and mobile services.

Delivery of broadband access is and will continue for at least the next five years to be one of the fastest growing segments in the telecommunications industry. Consumer demand for broadband access and mobility in communications are two key factors that will drive operators to extend their propositions for both personal and business use.

"As the world's leading telecom vendor, Ericsson has a unique position in access and network solutions for high-speed fixed and mobile networks," says Karl Thedeen, Vice President, Wireline, Ericsson "Furthermore, Ericsson is the industry leader in integration and implementation of these networks."

During VON Europe 2005, the leading Voice Over IP event in Europe, Ericsson is addressing the importance of extensive service bundling such as IPTV - IP telephony for residential customers. For enterprises, bundled services include both IP centrex and IP PBXs as well as push e-mail and video telephony.

Service transparency is another key element for operators differentiating their service offerings. Ericsson's innovative IMS solution is the enabler for converged voice and multimedia communication services.

In the enterprise segment, communication services based on mobility and broadband have a great potential to improve productivity and enhance customer service in organizations and enterprises.

By combining its knowledge of corporate and mobile networks, mobile devices and applications development, Ericsson is in a unique position to meet the needs of mobile workers worldwide.

Ericsson is shaping the future of Mobile and Broadband Internet communications through its continuous technology leadership. Providing innovative solutions in more than 140 countries, Ericsson is helping to create the most powerful communication companies in the world.

Last Updated ( Friday, 25 April 2008 )
May 24 Daily News PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 24 May 2005
 Falcon Selects Entone IPTV & VOD Solutions

Falcon Communications, has entered into an agreement with Entone Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of personal video content delivery solutions, to become a technology partner and reseller for Entone’s comprehensive line of IP Television (IPTV) content delivery solutions.

Under terms of the new agreement, Falcon will sell and install Entone's full range of personal television solutions, including:
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