Frankfurt Airport gets IPTV net Broadband TV News “With our solution, there are DVB satellite signals, which we feed into the network in real-time as IPTV streams, sometimes in HD and sometimes in SD,” said Klaus Schultz-Fademrecht, manager of the networks department at Fraport AG. “Back in 2008, we ... Bell Aliant adds 17.4K new FTTH IPTV subs in Q4 2012 Rapid tv news Canadian telco Bell Aliant saw $10.02 million in revenue and added 17,400 new IPTV customers in the fourth quarter of 2012, in testament, the operator said, to its commitment to growing its FTTH network. The additions bring the carrier's totals to 123 ... Time Broadband - an IPTV services company in western India Mumbai based Time Broadband Services was set up in 2005 and offers internet protocol television services in India. Its services include video on demand, e-learning, pay per view, media on-demand among others to qualify it as a competitive multi service ...
IPTV to take 18 per cent of Pay TV market by 2018 TelecomTV (registration) It adds that that globally, IPTV is gaining market share year-on-year while the rest of the Pay TV platforms are slowly contracting. Jake Saunders, VP and practice director of core forecasting, says that IPTV service revenue market share increased from ... IPTV 18% share of $304bn market by 2018 Advanced Television The worldwide Pay-TV market grew at a steady pace in 2012 generating $238 billion by end-of-year, up from $223 billion in 2011, according to ABI Research's Pay-TV ARPU and Revenues Market Data. The global Pay-TV market is expected to generate ... Million IPTV subs make up for poor 2012 for KPN Rapid tv news After what it calls a challenging environment with “adverse” macro-economic conditions that weighed on consumer confidence, Dutch incumbent KPN has posted mixed financial results for its fiscal 2012. Overall, the KPN Group showed that EBITDA declined ...
Verizon leads IPTV operator market with highest service revenue Telecom Lead Telecom Lead Asia: In the global IPTV sector, Verizon is the top ranked IPTV operator with the highest service revenue. Recently, reported that Verizon's ARPU from FiOS customers was more than $150. FiOS services produced about 68 ...