
 TiVo Inc. poised to test a new Internet-based video download service -- It looksf TiVO will use its posiion in the market to become an IPTV conduit. The biggest victim: Akimbo, not mentioned in story.
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March 8, 2016, Daily News PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 08 March 2016


KPN sees growth in consumer market from bundling, IPTV
Telecompaper (subscription)
KPN has outlined its strategy for the consumer market at its Capital Markets Day 2016. This year it will combine its fixed and mobile activities in a single ...

KPN outlines new targets, divisions at investors day
Telecompaper (subscription)
The focus on the consumer market remains on bundling (fixed and mobile), reducing churn, opportunities for up- and cross-selling and the IPTV platform.
AT&T, Univision have channel truce for next Democratic debate
Seeking Alpha
Univision channels (including Univision, UniMas and Galavision) went dark for millions of customers on the IPTV service Friday. Over the weekend, rhetoric ...

Classrooms look at their own cable service as Time Warner
"Most of our staff connect through a browser using an internal IPTV solution that is only available on our network," Henesy said. "We don't anticipate the move to ...

Onlime adds new channels to IPTV offer
Telecompaper (subscription)
Russian regional ISP Onlime, a subsidiary of the national operator Rostelecom, has added 14 new channels to its IPTV offer. The list includes Eurosport 2 HD, ...
SK Broadband to invest 320 bil. won in content industry
Korea Times
Under the one-year investment initiative, the Internet protocol television (IPTV) affiliate of SK Group will allocate 220 billion won in helping content creators, with ...
Hawaiian Telcom passes 190K homes with fiber
... service can achieve two goals: expand the reach of its emerging 1 Gbps broadband services to more homes while enabling more homes with its IPTV service.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 09 March 2016 )
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