
MS's IPTV strategy in tatters
Register - London,England,UK
... Homechoice can manage it in the UK, Maligne and Free have managed it in France, Telefonica in Spain and Bell Canada have also launched IPTV services, while ...

'Tattered' MS IPTV strategy - Ontario,Canada News View:- It's one thing Faultline banging on that the Microsoft IPTV version is not ready, it's another when its most valued European customer ...

Microsoft's IPTV Stranglehold in Trouble? - New York,NY,USA
... you take a quick look at the three largest bell next generation network plans, you'll notice they all have one thing in common when it comes to IPTV: Microsoft ...

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Thursday, 26 May 2005
Swisscom Fixnet prepares IPTV launch
Telecom Paper (subscription) - Houten,Netherlands
Swisscom Fixnet plans to compete its triple-play offering with TV over broadband (ADSL). After deployment for Swisscom and Microsoft ...

Desperate Telcos Push IPTV
Red Herring - CA,USA
Industry executives detail how the fight between cable and phone companies is turning the US into the leading IPTV market. US telcos ...

Alcatel and Microsoft: Going Steady
Light Reading - USA
... go as a company, you know, providing this integration role," Frank told Light Reading shortly after his presentation (see Alcatel, Microsoft Confirm IPTV Deal ...

IPTV vs Me-Too TV
Light Reading - USA
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Content may be king, but can phone companies become king of content? That's the big question everybody has about telcos and IPTV. ...

Cable, telcoms face off for 'triple-play'
Reuters - USA
... KPN and Swisscom are planning their own services to provide television over phone lines -- usually known as TV over Internet protocol, or IPTV -- in the hopes ...

Tech execs show new products
Stanford Daily - USA
... as, advances in mobile technologies like cell-phone gaming and videophones, as well as the advent of digital and Internet television, or IPTV. ...

Last Updated ( Friday, 27 May 2005 )
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