
Eagle Broadband (AMEX:EAG) and GlobeCast 
announced today that they have signed a national licensing agreement 
to resell and make Minerva Network’sITVManager a key middleware 
option for customers of IPTVComplete™, Eagle and GlobeCast’s 
turnkey solution for broadband providers to deliver high-quality 
video and entertainment services to subscribers over broadband networks.
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June 1 Daily News PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 01 June 2005
Motive Adds IPTV and Security Management Offerings to Digital Home ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
... The Fully Automated Service Technology (FAST) modules for IPTV and Security give broadband providers packaged offerings that help them accelerate the rollout ...

Pixelmetrix Launches IPTV
Light Reading - USA
SINGAPORE -- Pixelmetrix, the global expert in Preventive Monitoring for digital television networks, has just launched the Pixelmetrix DVStor-IP, a cost ...

Westell Unveils New Home Networking Routers
Converge Network Digest - USA
Westell Technologies unveiled a new family of home networking routers for delivering IPTV and video to residential users. The new ...

Alcatel Too Dear, Microsoft Deal Has Hurdles
New Ratings - USA
... Also, says the IPTV lab in Canada reveals that Microsoft (MSFT) and Alcatel is high quality, but must overcome significant technical challenges to ensure a ...

Bulldog moves up to 8Mb broadband
Web User - London,UK
... in BT exchanges in 27 BT exchanges in London through LLU in a bid to offer faster broadband services and potentially voice over broadband, IPTV and voice on ...

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