
With the number of analog cable TV subscriber
households either flat or declining in many developed countries, the cable TV
industry's future depends more and more on cable modem service and digital video
services, reports In-Stat
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Tuesday, 07 June 2005
Lucent, Orca Team on IPTV
Light Reading - USA
... today announced a strategic alliance with Orca Interactive (LSE: ORCA - message board), a global market leader in developing applications for IPTV, to deliver ...

Microsoft, Harmonic Team for IPTV
Light Reading - USA
... announced they are jointly working to deliver an integrated Internet protocol (IP) based video solution encompassing the Microsoft TV IPTV Edition software ...

IPTV showcased at SUPERCOMM 2005 - Andheri,Mumbai,India
... solutions including high-speed Internet and voice over IP (VoIP) networks, is showcasing its new products and architectures that support IPTV at Supercomm 2005 ...

IPTV Service
Technology News Daily - Scottsdale,AZ,USA
Motorola and Microsoft will work together to integrate the Microsoft® TV IPTV Edition software platform with the features and functionality included in ...

Microsoft Bears Down on IPTV
Broadcasting & Cable (subscription) - New York,NY,USA
... Microsoft, which wants to drive IPTV as it did the PC, has signed a number of IPTV-related deals, all designed to make it easier for broadband providers to ...


Intellon Enables Powerline Adapters and Embedded Platforms for ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
Intellon Corporation, the world leader in powerline communications, today announced multiple customer enablement programs supporting IPTV applications. ...

Broadband content most important
Xinhua - Beijing,China
... Faced with intensified competition from cable and mobile operators and dwindling voice revenues, the embrace of internet protocol television (IPTV) by fixed ...

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