
LECs Win: Texans Pass Telco IPTV Franchise Bill
Telecomweb - USA
... the National Taxpayer's Union, however, praised the measure as a good consumer bill that allows Lone Star State residents quicker access to IPTV service over ...

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Tuesday, 28 June 2005
ATIS Sets Up IPTV Standards Forum
Telecomweb - USA
The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) created an IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) to develop a set of standards, and related technical ...

BT selects Microsoft IPTV platform for broadband TV
Informitv - UK
BT will use the Microsoft TV IPTV Edition software platform to deliver internet protocol TV over broadband in the United Kingdom. ...

Microsoft Scores Key IPTV Win At BT
Telecomweb - USA
The deal is a key win in Microsoft's attempt to create a worldwide following for its IPTV system. The victory at BT also goes ...

BT to use Microsoft IPTV platform
ADSLguide - Cambridge,UK
Today has seen an announcement that BT is to use the Microsoft IPTV platform for providing television over the companies broadband network. ...

MS, BT, IPTV - New York,NY,USA
As we recently reported, there's serious questions surfacing in Europe over the quality and cost of Microsoft's IPTV platform; software that will be at the ...

BT and Microsoft strike broadband IPTV deal - UK
... but we'll see what happens with the take-up rate of the new deal when launched and whether software users may be tied into Windows Media Player to watch IPTV ...

BT opts for Microsoft TV technology
Financial Times - London,England,UK
... BT's decision is a key win for Microsoft, which has been battling for years to win customers for its internet protocol TV (IPTV) software that enables telecoms ...

TECHtionary Tutorials Explain IPTV
TMCnet (press release) - USA
IPTV-Internet Protocol over TeleVision is an emerging service for the Triple Play provider of television, high-speed internet access and telephony. ...

Industria and BitBand Team up to Deliver Innovative IPTV Solutions
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
... leading provider of video content distribution and delivery solutions over IP broadband networks for Telcos, have partnered to offer advanced IPTV solutions to ...

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