
Siemens tackles Microsoft IPTV dominance
... software could give Siemens, the German telecommunications equipment giant, just the opportunity it's looking for to break into the emerging IPTV market. ...
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Friday, 01 July 2005
Vendor Strategies Critical to Successful IPTV Roll Out, Says The ...
Tekrati Industry Analyst Reporter (press release) - Belmont,CA,USA
As the IPTV market heats up, and as solutions vendors position themselves to leverage market expansion, service operators must evaluate the long-term ...

Belgacom Launches IPTV Services
Telecomweb - USA
As expected, Belgian incumbent Belgacom has commercialised its IPTV service. The carrier has been working with Siemens since the ...

BT Teams With Microsoft for IPTV - London,UK
British Telecom (BT) has teamed with Microsoft to offer IPTV - television over broadband connections. The alliance comes as more ...

TANDBERG Television Brings IPTV Solutions to Supercomm Advanced ...
Corporate Media News - Newport Beach,CA,USA
... comes to Supercomm 2005 with a variety of new platforms and product enhancements that together create the most powerful and competitive IPTV business models ...

VP Jumps From Juniper
Light Reading - USA
Her arrival at Microsoft comes at a critical time for the software giant, which has won huge IPTV deployment deals with huge carriers around the world (see ...

BellSouth hastens fiber rollout
Financial Times - London,England,UK
... has been quietly rolling out a technology called fibre to the curb (FTTC) that will enable it to deliver advanced services including IPTV (Internet Protocol TV ...

Juniper's Heckart joins Microsoft TV effort
EE Times Online - USA
... division working on IPTV and television stream-management software, has hired away Juniper Network Inc.'s Christine Heckart to be its general manager of ... 
IPTV, Carrier Ethernet, and IMS Will Drive Telecom Spending in ...
Yahoo News (press release) - USA
... Policy control is shaping up to be an interesting area to watch, not only for IPTV, but also for residential broadband and commercial services. ...

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