May 26 Daily News
Thursday, 26 May 2005
Swisscom Fixnet prepares IPTV launch
Telecom Paper (subscription) - Houten,Netherlands
Swisscom Fixnet plans to compete its triple-play offering with TV over broadband (ADSL). After deployment for Swisscom and Microsoft ...

Desperate Telcos Push IPTV
Red Herring - CA,USA
Industry executives detail how the fight between cable and phone companies is turning the US into the leading IPTV market. US telcos ...

Alcatel and Microsoft: Going Steady
Light Reading - USA
... go as a company, you know, providing this integration role," Frank told Light Reading shortly after his presentation (see Alcatel, Microsoft Confirm IPTV Deal ...

IPTV vs Me-Too TV
Light Reading - USA
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Content may be king, but can phone companies become king of content? That's the big question everybody has about telcos and IPTV. ...

Cable, telcoms face off for 'triple-play'
Reuters - USA
... KPN and Swisscom are planning their own services to provide television over phone lines -- usually known as TV over Internet protocol, or IPTV -- in the hopes ...

Tech execs show new products
Stanford Daily - USA
... as, advances in mobile technologies like cell-phone gaming and videophones, as well as the advent of digital and Internet television, or IPTV. ...

Last Updated ( Friday, 27 May 2005 )