July 31 Daily News
Sunday, 31 July 2005
The television will be revolutionised
Sunday Herald - Glasgow,Scotland,UK
More specificially, it's called internet protocol TV, or IPTV, and it could, eventually, erode our very notion of what a TV station is. ... An Excellent overview of IPTV and its potential.

 "There is no reason to wait and watch a programme on BBC when you can watch it on ABC right now," said Graham Lovelace, a television industry consultant. Giving viewers the opportunity to select individual programmes would most likely see a complete reworking of the way the television business sells its programmes. While many different developers are working on IPTV software, British Telecom is set to conduct a full trial of Microsoft's IPTV service, MicrosoftTV at the end of this year, with a commercial service pencilled in for next summer. The effect on the television market is likely to be explosive. "This is the most disruptive technology I can think of," said Lovelace.

Last Updated ( Sunday, 31 July 2005 )